Monday 29 September 2008


working in a top end restaurant makes one stronger i suppose. its not easy, it was never going to be easy. first day of taylors college and that was what we were told. 16 hours a day, 6 days a week of constant work and getting fucked by your superiors physically and mentally is not a thing everyone can do. after the first day, i was putting down wagers that i wont last a week. 1 month on, im still going about my life in my new employment. much have been learned and besides the screwed up heels and the cuts and burns on the hands, all is good and one is still alive.

its depressing to be honest. no social life what so ever. l`amours and girlfriends are totally out of the question. one would ask? why? 
raya is tomorrow. not a day was fasted nor am i going for raya prayers. work as usual from 7.30am. why?

to be strong
when you pray, pray for me.

selamat hari raya and maaf zahir and batin

Tuesday 24 June 2008


Its my birthday and ill work if i want to.
actually no i did not want to work 4pm-12am on my 23rd birthday but hey, c`est la vie,non?

On a more serious note, i felt so much love coming from all the ppl from all over the world well-wishing me on such an occasion. thank you.

what would i do without you....... facebook reminder.

Saturday 17 May 2008


the geeza finally comes out of his little hole. his a free man.

been there, done that, got the t-shirt. aint doing it again!
p.s. no pub food for awhile geez

Tuesday 13 May 2008


if i knew writing dissertations was this much fun, i would have started much earlier....

Sunday 13 April 2008


I Got Cash

by the Brooklyn Funk Essentials

I got cash in fuck you quantities
Know what?
That makes you uncomfortable?
Fuck you and the Range Rover you drove in on

Fuck your Saab convertable
And fuck your twice weekly trips to the analyst
Stupid mutha fuck

Fuck the Hamptons
The fly infested south of France
I'm paid asshole,
I got more cash than God can count
so why don't you just.... die?

Choke to death on your damn designer bagel from Balducci's
Low cholesterol, naturally

Fuck your big ol' Sunday New York Times
Fuck the Wall Street Journal
And News Week
And the lot
Including Nation, Village Voice, Guardian and the rest
Stupid set of priviliged mutha fuckers
Think its fashionable to have an alternative view

An alternative view

And fuck, if you can
Your pencil thin, Evian drinking, calorie counting, caffiene limiting, sodium sparing, nutrasweet sweetening, read view mirror preening, carrot nibbling bunny

Go drown in a lake of Diet Coke, fucker

I got cash, what else matters?

I got cash


Fuck your fencing and screw your squash,
Piss on your Paulo and your Pavarotti,
Fuck all that shit you call music and pretend to enjoy

I got cash,
Mega cash,
I'm happy with that,
Oh go and sit on your ski rug,
Money talks you little pussy,

You let your politically correct pals know,
That i think you're a dick also,
You dirty asshole

And your idea of multiculturalism
Japanese resturant on Monday,
Indian on tuesday,
And on Wednesday, Caribbean,
Not too spicy please

I got stash on stash and it ain't novo cash.
Moneys in my family for generations,
My great great great grandfather made the bag,
Selling European slaves in Africa

I got cash mutha fuckah,
And you can't tell whether or not I'm joking, can you?
Dumb fuck.

give them a go. wont regret em.

Sunday 6 April 2008


Not drunk is he who from the floor
Can rise again and still drink more,
But drunk is he who prostate lies,
Without the power to drink or rise.

The English Pub- A History

Sunday 16 March 2008


call it ignorance. call it stupidity. call it arrogance. call it what ever you want but if you are having trouble, just do a mix match of the above and add the relevant.

try calling an ol friend, thousand miles away, in seek of refuge and motivation from work and horrible weather. And after having 'listening' to this person bitch about tom,dick and harry (the person is bitcher) and i think we went back to tom for abit after that, turns the conversation to me.
how delighted to get my saying in an international call i was footing right?

well, with the usual bla bla about work and school, the person turns round with the response of, and i quote:
` why you doing all this? i mean you`re only a chef right? it should be easy no? you just cook. why all these classes and dissertation? '

fuck me, chefs around the world just cook dont they? easy job. why learn the likes of food safety, human resources, accounting, legislation, trends, int. gastronomy, etc..?? i mean, even an obvious 'intelect' whom bitches about life in malaysia can point out that it has no relevance what so ever.

oh god fathers, why do i even bother keeping in touch with people whom have successfully demotivate me further in my struggles. why fuck you very much. you`re so kind.

the next time i want to waste time, ill stand by the window and wait for the daffys to sprout out.

Thursday 14 February 2008



Saturday 12 January 2008


some thing i stumbled upon recently, something that happened once upon a time. yes i do miss the jegom (junior environmental group of malaysia) days.


Tuesday 1 January 2008


Happy New Years Sweethearts
Hope 2008 brings more love and peace for all
As we blanket over the shit of 2007
Bo Selecta Lads